Blevins Volleyball Information


This season is going to be packed with advancing skills athletes bring and introducing/finding new skills to those who are just entering into the sport. I am super excited to bring the knowledge I have built up over the last couple of years to teach these young athletes how to work hard and have fun doing it! Volleyball practices will start at 2:45, parents/guardians can expect to pick up their athlete at 5:00 on regular practice days. We will have a parent meeting for the athletes who continue after tryouts to go over further details on expectations for the coaches, parents, and student/athletes for the season as soon as tryouts are completed. Tryout times are yet to be determined but will happen quickly following the first day of school so keep an eye out for dates and times! Students interested in the sport should always bring their own water bottle, kneepads, tennis shoes you can exercise in and an attitude to learn new things! Please also bring appropriate clothing you can move in that is not going to be a distraction for you or other students to tryouts and practices. Welcome to volleyball and I can’t wait to meet each soon to be player and to meet their needs as an athlete!!

Sincerely Coach Sam!

Sam Alexander