Kinard Golf

Season Duration:

3/24/25 - 5/13/25

Practice Times:

Practice will be 2-3 days a week and will be a mix of at Kinard and at a local golf course.


Boys compete on Tuesday or Thursdays and girls compete on Mondays or Wednesdays. 

Tryout Dates:

Tryouts will be on 3/24/25 and 3/26/25. Students must contact coaches prior to 3/13/25 to be assigned a try out tee time.

Participation Survey:

Please note that this survey is intended to gauge participation interest and does not serve as a full sports registration. All official registration instructions can be found here.   

General Information

Golf is a cut sport available to 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students.  Kinard will field both a boys and girls team.  Tryouts will take place during the first week of the season.  Each player needs to provide their own clubs for practices.  Please contact the coaches below if you need to advocate for a set of clubs to borrow.  School uniforms are provided during competitions for use for the duration of the season.   All participating athletes must be currently enrolled at Kinard and are required to complete the registration process and pay the participation fee prior to joining the team.  Please notify coaches of any medical needs that are specific to your child prior to the start of the season (i.e. asthma, etc.).  

Introductory Presentation Slides: 

Learn about the golf season and how/when to participate HERE

Cody Jackson

Head Boys Golf Coach

Anne Flemming

Head Girls Golf Coach

Phone: 720-810-5379